Ok I'm getting up on my soap box, just give me a few minutes(it's pretty high)
I have taken excerpts from a news article that was sent to me.
"Fred Phelps of the Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka, Kansas, says God killed Idaho National Guard Corporal Carrie French with an improvised explosive device. Phelps says God is retaliating against America for a bombing of his church six years ago."
http://www.klewtv.com/x5781.xml?ParentPageID=x5649&ContentID=x66219&Layout=KLEW.xsl&AdGroupID=x5781Here is some more reading on these hatred driven people
http://www.godhatesfags.com/fliers/jun2005/20050613_carrie-french-funeral.pdfCol Carrie French was killed in action June 5th when an IED exploded. I ask you to take a good look at the picture of this young women. She was one of the Soldiers out there fighting for your right to have freedom of speech.
http://anysoldier.com/WhereToSend/http://www.idahostatesman.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20050612/NEWS01/506120331/1002/NEWS01OK let me get this straight a God that everyone( no matter what religion you are) says is kind and gentle and forgiving killed a child with an IED, yes I said a child because she was only 19. This man claims to part of the church. I come from a southern Baptist background and I don't recall ever learning that God kills with explosives. Let that man show up at a funeral that I pray I never have to attended. Because I guess God would have to kill him with my bare hands. My heart and prayers go out to the family. Please know that this man and his followers are only a small group of people out there and stupid small group at that point. There are many others out there who care.
Here is this mans website. LET IN BE KNOWN I DO NOT SUPPORT THIS MAN NOR HIS FOLLOWERS. I ask, take a look at his protest list and if there is one near you please gather as many people as you can. Go wave your American flags and we support the troops posters. I say that we send this man and his followers to go live in a country where there is no freedom much less freedom speech.
http://www.godhatesfags.com/main/index.htmlDear Lord I pray for this man and anyone follows him. I pray that you show him who you are because I believe he has never met you.
Here are some more blogs of people like who believes that injustice should not go unpunished.
http://bubbleheads.blogspot.com/2005/06/friend-of-my-enemy.htmlhttp://www.thedonovan.com/archives/004151.htmlPlease educate yourselves again as I've already stated.
If you stand for nothing you will fall for anything.