Hello all,
I signed the contract for the sale of our house yesterday. After a week of talking back and forth about what each party wants and making sure their pre-approval letter was ligament and all the other things involved. We finally have a contract on the house. We are looking to close 26 May 06. Which is good because my hubby has a 4 day weekend that weekend, and since we have enough Frequent Flyer Miles, he is going to fly back to close on the sale of our house. I'm going this Sunday to look at houses in PA. We found we liked last time we went up there however it won't be ready in time the estimated date is 30 June 06, and seeing as we are closing on the house at the end of May and right now are trying to do a rent back until June 9th. I went to transportation yesterday. Let me tell their ass backwards way of doing things. First of all I live about 70 miles from post just to afford to live off post. I called and asked how things work here because you know everywhere is different. They told me to come in 0830-1600. Ok I leave the house around 0830 and get there just before 1000 I signed in since there was noon else in there he took me right away. He asked for a copy of my orders had me fill out a piece of paper and then took a copy on the POA and 4 more copies of my orders. Ok that took really like 5 mins. He then looked at the dates I needed to be packed and said ok we need you to come back May 10th @ 1000 for your briefing and that was it. Needless to say I was not very happy. Couldn't they have had me fax all that info to them? What I really don't understand is why my husband didn't do that part while he was up there finding out what I needed to do to get things done. So I hope they can get the pack dates I need which is pack the 5-6 June and pick up 7 June. Which means we will be living with nothing for a few days and hopefully I'll be able to find a place and getting a closing date June 9th and have a roof over our head by that weekend. My hubby will be back sometime around the end of June. I don't even know if I'm allowed to move up there before my husband at the this point but hey I don't have an option. Oh BTW my husband messed his knee up while at school and has to see a specialist on Sat to see if he can take a PT test on Monday, however I know what will happen they'll ask him what he wants to happen and he'll tell them I think it will be fine and the Dr. will say ok we can do that he'll take the PT test and mess it up even more and then be screwed and lucky if he can even get drive back home at the end of the course. Heaven for bid he take care of himself the right way and not be able to finish the course out. It's not like you can't go back once your better. They think it's a legament that it pulled to it's max right now, I say it's your body's way of saying hold on fucker push me anymore and I'm going to get pissed of and fuck your world up. That's all I'm saying.
Until next time