I hate you you stupid stupid people or who ever you are. I give you my money every month and get nothing in return. All you do is tell what's wrong with my yard. You also give me things that I don't have, like the basketball hoop I got in trouble for having in my drive way, when I don't even own a basketball hoop. I guess I better call the cops and make a claim on my HO insurance because somebody must have stolen my basketball hoop. Now I'm moving but oh no let's make things difficult. First I have to send you 100.00 for what I'm not sure. So you can press the print button on your PC and print out a piece of paper saying that I have met all your standards. So I send you 100.00 and what do you do, you tell me that the solor lights I have in my flower beds which by the way were approved (the flower beds) now to be approved. Listen to me are you blind did you a new improved pair of glasses or maybe you had that surgery where they give you a new pair of eyes to see with. I have these solar lights for 2 years now I've even had to replace some because they have gotten worn out over the years, and now right now when I need to close on my house you just now decided that they need approval, why didn't you see them every other time you gave me a violation for something stupid like put play equ.. away when not in use. I guess you didn't see the kids playing on it when you drove by. I do tend to spray the kids down with invisable spray every now and then that way I can't see them either! Everytime I call the person who types these letters about the violations all I'm told is well I don't inspect the houses I just type what the inspector says he saw. It's not like we live in a Million Dollar Neighborhood with all these amenties actually we have no amenties. I guess we are paying to make sure the model home looks good. That's ok I moving and there will be a new family to deal with. My husband and I take pride in our house and landscaping. I can name a few others that do, but as far as the rest of the people in this neighborhood they don't. So do what you need to do to make my life hard. All I have to say is KARMA is a bitch!!!!!!!!!!
Ok I'm done now