Well I've started receiving packages from my husband full of stuff, clothes Playstation games CD's and other odds and ends, I guess that means he's coming home. As of right now he makes his decent (as I like to call it) on the 15th. That puts him state side around the 19th or 20th. No surprises this time planned, not after what happened last time. This time it's going to be a drive to airport to pick him up and a drive back from the airport to the house. He is flying in to Baltimore which is about 21/2 to 3 hours depending on the time of day and traffic. So I guess it's time to gear up again. I've haven't told the kids yet due to the fact this is the Army we are talking about. I took Curtis to get his pictures taken, they turned out really good I've posted a few. He has gotten so big I never realized it until I saw the pictures. Well I've got to motor.