Friday, April 08, 2005

Wow today was a long day. I had to go to the grocery store. Which takes no less than two hours. The kids and I planted some strawberries. Hopefully we will be able to reap the fruits or our labor. My husband emailed me today. It seemed like it was a good day for him. He got to relax and kick back a little. It makes me miss him more when he gets excited about things. I miss the way his face lights up when he is proud of himself. I miss hanging out with him. I miss the feeling I would get just before he came home from one of his trips, even though it had only been a week or so I would still get butterflies knowing he was on his way home. I still get them now when I think of the day he comes back from this trip. However this trip isn't for a week. I've been driving his truck around because it smells like him. The one good thing about this whole trip is I've been able to take over the bathroom, the whole counter to myself. Oh and I get the closet to myself to. Well it's getting late and my oldest had fallen asleep on the couch. She must have had a good day at school. She has her first soccer game tomorrow. Wish her luck, wait wish me luck.
Thank you to everyone who has read my posts and given their support it is greatly appreciated and heart warming to know that there are people out there who care.

Until later


Thursday, April 07, 2005


Just heard from my husband. He didn't write much just said everything is good. Just been very busy. I just wish he was home so I wouldn't have to worry. OK that's it no more news for me I can't go through this everytime something happens. I really was fine until today. It will take me a little bit to get back to normal again. My daughter's birthday is coming up at the end of this month so a least I have her birthday party plans to keep my mind occupied.

Until later

Hanging in there

I just heard the news that a chopper crashed in A-stan and seeing as I haven't heard from my husband since tues. I'm not doing good. I promised myself I wouldn't watch the news while he was gone, because every time I hear something pertaining to over there I get nervous. I don't feel as if anything has happened to him. I hope that I would if something did happened. Our connection is pretty strong. I think I'm mostly scared because it makes it real again. It's been a long time since the news has really reported about anything going on over there and now with something like this you realize that a threat is still there. I guess people don't realize that even though we may not be at war there are things that can still happen. Like a chopper going down due to weather or faulty equipment.

I pray for everyone who has lost a loved one or had one injured. God bless you and you family.


Another day another dollar

Well I haven't heard from my husband since Tues. Like they always say no new is good news I guess. I didn't write yesterday it was a busy day. I got a new puppy for my birthday thanks to myself. My next door neighbor got her sister, so I was busy watching the two girls. My little one is named Godiva and her sister is Sara. My daughter had soccer practice yesterday. She keeps saying she doesn't want to play anymore. I tell she needs to tough it out for a month and we'll go from there. I don't think soccer is her sport she is more of a dance type of girl. I wish however they had an age group for my son. My oldest is still not adjusting as well as I would like to her to my husband being gone. She doesn't want to get on the bus in the morning and she is being over sensitive about little thing she literally cries over spilled milk. The other two however are getting better. Watch just as I get them back into a routine and doing well he'll come home. At least time is being true to us right now, it doesn't seem like he left long ago it. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. I think the summer will go by fast I was my sister and cousin coming up for a visit. I hoping to start my son in preschool next school year which would be great it means I would only have one during the day. Which would make house work possible. I normally watch one little girl on Mondays however she has been sick along with her sister, so today I will have both of them. It will be another busy day. Hopefully this weekend will be a calm one. The weather was nice yesterday the kids and I were able to stay outside most of the day. We would live outside if we could. Well my other two are waking up. I better go and get them. Until tomorrow.


Tuesday, April 05, 2005


Well today I really missed my husband, it was trash day and he is the one who takes care of the trash. My daughter stayed home from school today due to being sick. I decided to sleep in this morning, so here I am trying to make sure the trash is together. Praying that I make it before the trash man comes. Yes my husband did call today to wish me a Happy Birthday. He was really tired and didn't say much. He also sent me E card. I find myself starting to miss him more and more everyday. I miss him more in the evening when the kids are in bed and I'm all by myself. During the day I don't have time to miss him with 3 kids, 2 dogs and 4 cats. I'm a sucker for animals. My neighbor Angie helped my daughter pick out a birthday cake for me and cooked me diner. Thank you Angie. My sister in law sent flowers. Thank you Tracy. Well I'm really tired and have to get up in the morning and start a new day. Tomorrow my daughter has soccer pratice so I have alot of house work to do so I'm not rushing to get it done after we get back. Thank you to all the supportive emails I have been receiving it helps alot to know that there are people out the who care.


Monday, April 04, 2005

Just another day

Well we heard from my husband yesterday. Everything seems to be going good. He's been very busy with training his troops. For OPSEC reasons I cannot say too much about what he does. I can say he is an E-7 in the US Army. He's been in for 13 years coming on 14 and just reenlisted for the long haul. His MOS is 31D CID Special Agent. Boy does he have some stories. Right now he does protection for upper leaders. So there for I will not be able to say where he is located or what he is doing. I really don't even know too much myself. Every now and then I see a glimse of him on the TV. We met in Korea, we were both stationed there. I was a medic for a Combat engineer unit, he was an MP. We then met up again in El Paso TX. Where I was medic for a Air Defense Unit who was working with the THADD system which never really took off. We got married in El Paso. I got out and moved to Germany with him. That's where he switch over to CID. We now live in Northern VA we bought our first house here. I didn't think being a military wife would be that much different than being in the military. Well I was wrong. I'm a stay at home mom right now taking college courses online to hopefully one day get back in the working field. I pretty much run the household I make sure all the bills are paid. I divey out the money. Sometimes I feel like my husbands' personnel secretary. Making sure he is getting paid right and that his travel vouchers have been paid. Then I shoot all the info to him and hope he can find time to get it fixed. I tell him when it's the best time to take leave and give him the dates to put in for. I know he can do all of these things for himself, I just feel that it's one less thing for him to worry about why he is gone. I try and stay in good spirits when he calls. He'll tell ya I like to complain alot about some of the things he has to do while in the military. The military is changing from the way it use to be some good some bad. I have my dislikes about the military ways. I'm all for enlisted soliders and their way of life. I believe that they are the backbone of the Army. Without them it would be nothing. From E-1 to E-8 Regular,National Guard or Reseves the Soilders and families give up alot. Well I will end my post for today. As you can see it's a good day today, just another day today. I can only wait and see what tomorrow brings.

Sunday, April 03, 2005

My first entry


This is my first entry. I'm a militray Spouse with three children, 4 years 2 years and 1 year old. My husband left for his first deployment to A-stan around the end of Feb 2005. We've been very lucky the Army waited this long to send him. Right now we are doing well. He traveled a lot as it was for the military, but not for long periods of times. We talk to him once a week if we are lucky. My two oldest are going through the toughest time right now. They miss their daddy alot. This is my daughters first year at playing soccer and my husband will not be here to watch her play which really upsets her. It's amazing at what little things make her miss him. She is so use to being able to call him when she needed to talk with him. I think that is what the hardest part is for her. My son the middle child is the only boy. Which is very hard on him. He wakes up every morning crying for his daddy. This last until I can get his attention on something else. When he does get to talk with him he's very quite and short with him. My youngest is only one so she really doesn't comprehendthe whole situation she calls me daddy go figure. I'm doing pretty well right now at first I was mad that he had to go. I understand why and I also know that there are many of others out there who has gone through this more than once, but like one friens told me who is going through this whole ordeal a second time. It's still you who are going through it. I served in the Army for 4 years myself so thank goodness I know the ends and outs. I send my prayers out to wives who are new to the whole military system. It can be tricky. I guess the hardest part for me right now is we chose to live about 70 miles away from base to provide a house for our kids. There is not alot of military here so nobody understands what we go though. I have a few very supportive friends out here however there are those who tell me I don't know how you can do it if my husbands leaves for a week I can't survive. I tell them you learn and drive on you don't think about it you just do it. Well that's all for my first entry. I will try and leave post everyday or so when I have time. My 28th Birthday in April 5th. Happy Birthday to all the April babies out there.
