Friday, December 09, 2005


Ok talk about dropping a bomb. The military has decided that it's time for us to move. Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!! (right) My husband was able to get a hold of the guy that does the reassignments for CID . He gave us a few options.

1. Ft Polk LA
2. Carlisle Barracks PA
3. Aberdeen Proving Grounds MD
4. Ft Lee VA
5. Ft Meade MD
6. Ft Rucker AL
7. Ft Hood TX
8. Ft Monmouth NJ

SO we have been busy doing research. Here is what we came up with.

Ft Rucker (there is no way I can live in AL) reminds me of home.
Ft Lee and Ft Meade were dependent on another person which every one he chose we would get the other. (Too much risk in that)
Aberdeen Proving grounds too expensive
Ft Monmouth BAH rate is 2138.00 (need I say more)
Ft hood (ha ha now that's just too funny)
So that leaves us with Carlisle Barracks. Which is about 3 hours from where we live now. So when it comes to moving all the kids and animals it just makes since. With it being 3 hours tops away from here means I can still keep in touch and visit the friends we have here.
And the #1 reason
HERSHEY PARK yes will we will be living really close to Hershey PA.
ok not the real #1 reason but hey it's up there. Target, Olive Garden, A mall, Skiing, car shows. So off to the races for us. We are now waiting on dates so we can begin the process that is called PCS. We are taking a trip up there Sat. to check things out and see if we can afford to buy a house or live on post.

until Later