Tuesday, May 16, 2006


Ok I've posted another creation/slide show. I did this one in between doing the laundry and going through toys. It's time start downloading stuff we don't need or use anymore.

Now back to your regularly scheduled program.


Monday, May 15, 2006


Well yesterday for mother's day I got a new house. I drove up to PA with the kids and put a contract in on a house. They acepted it, we had to put up a little fight and still didn't get everything we wanted. They sellers were a littl bitter, they we trying to flip the house. They had first listed it @ 239,900.0 and then they dropped it to 215,000.00 and they dropped it again to 199,900.00 and then dropped it again to 195,000.00 that's the price it was when we found the place. At first we had no idea they had it listed so high, it didn't show up on our search because we were looking for places 200,000.00 or lower so when it dropped it showed up on our radar screen. They only bad thing is they were only paying the buying agent 2.5% and our agent's company rule is the buying agent gets 3% so we asked if they would give us sellers of 975.00 which is the .5% we would have to pay to cover the difference they said no so we asked if they would met us 1/2 way they again said no, we almost walked out, but then they showed us where they had the house appraised @ 229,000.00 so we said ok instant Equ. and we took it. for 195,000.00 out the door. So now the fun begins because I want to settle on the 16th of June so we have some overlap time at this place and the new place. We want to get a fence put up first thing. It's going to be a lot of yard work for us. The inside is all new however the yard is going to take some work. This is the same house that I've put pictures on of early if you scroll down you can see them. Also here are some pics of the kids on the way back from PA. SHHHHHHHHHH don't tell anyone one but i took them while I was driving I just pointed and clicked and this is what I got. Also I made a new slide show of the kids with music this time. It's cool. I found this website called one true media. It's free some advance stuff costs but making the slide shows are free. Well that's all I have today.
P.S my PC is being a Bitch so the pics will not upload. Soon hopefully
Later Taters