Tuesday, March 20, 2007


I have started a new site where you can see all the STUFF that I love or not. CONFESSIONS OF A PRODUCT HORE.

Check it out.

Monday, March 19, 2007

My recommendations at ThisNext

flacm's recommendations at ThisNext

cool stuff

Smashbox.com > Cheeks > O-Glow

Smashbox.com > Cheeks > O-Glow

Do you love the way your cheeks look when you blush. That natural pink cheek look. Well this is the product they say will do this. I will be ordering mine soon. Will see if it's true. (via Lucky Magazine)

I LOVE STUFF!!!!!!!!

flacm's recommendations at ThisNext

Ok I love stuff. I consider myself a product hore and love love makeup, hair, body products. I love trying all the new products that come out. I know it's bad but that's me.