I have started a new site where you can see all the STUFF that I love or not. CONFESSIONS OF A PRODUCT HORE.
Check it out.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Monday, March 19, 2007
Smashbox.com > Cheeks > O-Glow
Do you love the way your cheeks look when you blush. That natural pink cheek look. Well this is the product they say will do this. I will be ordering mine soon. Will see if it's true. (via Lucky Magazine)
I LOVE STUFF!!!!!!!!
Ok I love stuff. I consider myself a product hore and love love makeup, hair, body products. I love trying all the new products that come out. I know it's bad but that's me.
Thursday, February 22, 2007

I swear if I have to hear about Britney Spears shaving her head and getting tattoos I'm going to go crazy. I only say this well because I got a tattoo for V-day from my hubby (no he didn't do it) My daughter drew this frog in Kindergarten and I always thought is was a good frog for a 5 year old. So she signed her name and I had them tattoo that on my leg. I haven't had one done about 8 years now so it was time. Also when I was in high school I wanted to shave my head one day I was sick of my hair the color the cut the everything about it so I wanted a fresh start I told my mom this and she went crazy crying and asking why would I do that to her, do what it's my head? Why does society have this thing about hair, we have so many unsaid rules it's crazy. It's ok for a guy to shave their head on a bet but for a women to do it (OH MY GOD)! Anyway, I believe that one needs to cleanse themselves of their hair not necessarily all of it but some. It's like holding on to bad memories we grow and learn everyday has humans why keep bad stuff around us. So maybe just maybe Britney wanted to get rid of all her bad memories and her hair was holding them. Who knows, however extensions can mess a girls hair up if they aren't done right or taken out and redone so maybe her hair was so far gone that shaving it was the only way to make things better. Whatever it I don't want to hear about it anymore (unless it's for FA FA points) there are plenty of other things going on in the world besides Brintey's new hair do or don't.
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Well as most of the country may know we got snow. Which was nice and made everything look pretty, however it has turned into ice. I swear our front and back yard is like a hockey rink. The guy across the streey was nice enough to slow blow part of our driveway, the shovel just wasn't cutting it. Valentines day was uneventful with all the snow and ice we didn't go anywhere. We have decided to make up for it in April which also the month of my B-day. I have made resevations at the Hershy Hotel and Hershy Spa for the 5th of April. We are also renting a car, but not just any car, for the hubby I decided to rent him a Lotus for the day, he doesn't know yet so SHHHHHH!!! He is a big sports car fan. We bought a 1966 Mustang but haven't had the chance to do any work to it because of winter, which has kind of bummed him out. I have filed my taxes already and now we just wait for that. My mom is coming to visit in April that's who will be watching the kids. Let's see. Oh yeah well brother became a father on Jan. 11th and then stripped of that title on Feb 7th. One DNA test later and the results 0% I swear the story tells like a episode on Jerry or Maury. We was lead on by this girlt hat he wsan't dating anymore. He was there for the birth and has been paying for everything and staying up with the baby. She doesn't have a job. I'll have to give it up to my brother for stepping up to the plate when I thought it was his. Well she got mad at him one day and said I'm not sure if it's your or not, something about having to do with the guy before my brother. So he said he wanted a DNA test and where there you have it.
Monday, February 12, 2007
Hello All
Ok I tried to make a new blog and with all the moving and buying and selling a house and unpacking and everything going on in my life I haven't really been keeping up but I'm back and I'm going to continue with this one. Sorry I have been MIA lately but I'm back at 100%. So much to talk about soooooooooooo little time so give me a chance to collect my thoughts and I'll get back to it's a new year!!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, July 30, 2006
Ok the blogathon is over!!!!! We made it 24 hours and raises over 1800.00 dollars. Thanks to everyone who stopped by and support us and those who sponsored us. We had a great time. As soon as I'm well rested I'll be back to update my blog and most likely change it around a bit. Seeing as my hubby is longer deployed and we are settling in to the new place it's time for a change here also. This blog has served it's purpose and is new for a new one.
Saturday, July 29, 2006
Friday, July 28, 2006
Thanks to my CUZ Renita for the sponsor!!!!!! Love you girl
Ok everyone we are getting down to the wire. We are very close to our $2000.00 mark for the Blogathon. As you all know all the money we earn is going towards a great cause. The Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund. Quote from the foundation
"Although sufficient funding has been received for the construction
costs, the Fund is accepting donations to provide additional services to
the patients who will be treated in the Center and their families.
These services may include facilities for patients' children, additional
medical equipment and supplies, medical research to improve the care of patients, or other areas relating to the Center's activities including the patients and their families.
One hundred percent of the contributions will continue to go to these services, with nothing taken out for the Fund's administrative costs.
We thank you for continuing to support our efforts."
Not only does this provide for our soldiers in a time of need but also their families. Meaning you! We all pray everyday to keep our loved ones safe however we all are in the same boat. One day you, a friend or family member may have to call upon the services of this wonderful foundation. Please visit www.stalebetty.com to sponsor us. Even if it's only a dollar it will be a dollar well spent. We can make a difference in some soldiers and their families lives. Get out there a make a difference.
Ok I'm stepping down now.
Ok everyone we are getting down to the wire. We are very close to our $2000.00 mark for the Blogathon. As you all know all the money we earn is going towards a great cause. The Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund. Quote from the foundation
"Although sufficient funding has been received for the construction
costs, the Fund is accepting donations to provide additional services to
the patients who will be treated in the Center and their families.
These services may include facilities for patients' children, additional
medical equipment and supplies, medical research to improve the care of patients, or other areas relating to the Center's activities including the patients and their families.
One hundred percent of the contributions will continue to go to these services, with nothing taken out for the Fund's administrative costs.
We thank you for continuing to support our efforts."
Not only does this provide for our soldiers in a time of need but also their families. Meaning you! We all pray everyday to keep our loved ones safe however we all are in the same boat. One day you, a friend or family member may have to call upon the services of this wonderful foundation. Please visit www.stalebetty.com to sponsor us. Even if it's only a dollar it will be a dollar well spent. We can make a difference in some soldiers and their families lives. Get out there a make a difference.
Ok I'm stepping down now.
Sunday, July 23, 2006
I would like to thank my mom for sponsor us for this year's blogathon. We still need sponsors so we can hit our goal of $2000.00 for the Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund. Don't forget to visit Stalebetty.com to spend some quality time with us on the 29th. There are going to be 8 of us using all of our brain power to blog every 30 mins for 24 hours straight. So stop by chat with us there are prizes to be won. Even if you don't win anything you will met some very wonderful ladies and what could be a better prize than that. Thank you all for your support.
P.S If you have sponsored by reading my blog don't be shy please let me know so I can give you the thanks you deserve.
P.S If you have sponsored by reading my blog don't be shy please let me know so I can give you the thanks you deserve.
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Well hubby flew to ID on Tues to be with his mom. The kids and I didn't go, plane tickets were insane!!!!!!! Plus we have the dogs and they wouldn't be happy if we left them in some unknown place with unknown people and animals,right after moving them form the home to a new one. HUbby will be back on Mon or Tues I can't remember which @ this stage right now. (good thing he drove himself to the airport) My brother is going to try and come this weekend. We are planning on just hanging out with the kids and do some sight seeing around here. I'm starting to learn my way around this place slowly. Still trying to unpack boxes, each one I open up I don't want to deal with so I put it down in the basement for another day, If I keep that up my whole house will end up in the basement. Mainly just junk or stuff that needs to be tossed or giving away. With the blogathon coming up I really need to make some sense out of the playroom/office. Or I can just plan on laying in bed using the hubbies laptop like I am now. For some reason this is the only room I get good signal strength go figure it's the furthest place in the house from the router. Went and had the kids pic taken today I finally got a picture of all of them together looking at the camera and smiling (this is a big milestone for my kids) Well I better get to bed I beat and Alex decided she wanted to sleep in here tonight (she is such a bed hog so I might have to move her later to her bed once she falls good and asleep. (SHHHHH don't tell her) so tired I'm not even going to do a spell check tonight please excuse the mess.
Well hubby flew to ID on Tues to be with his mom. The kids and I didn't go, plane tickets were insane!!!!!!! Plus we have the dogs and they wouldn't be happy if we left them in some unknown place with unknown people and animals,right after moving them form the home to a new one. HUbby will be back on Mon or Tues I can't remember which @ this stage right now. (good thing he drove himself to the airport) My brother is going to try and come this weekend. We are planning on just hanging out with the kids and do some sight seeing around here. I'm starting to learn my way around this place slowly. Still trying to unpack boxes, each one I open up I don't want to deal with so I put it down in the basement for another day, If I keep that up my whole house will end up in the basement. Mainly just junk or stuff that needs to be tossed or giving away. With the blogathon coming up I really need to make some sense out of the playroom/office. Or I can just plan on laying in bed using the hubbies laptop like I am now. For some reason this is the only room I get good signal strength go figure it's the furthest place in the house from the router. Went and had the kids pic taken today I finally got a picture of all of them together looking at the camera and smiling (this is a big milestone for my kids) Well I better get to bed I beat and Alex decided she wanted to sleep in here tonight (she is such a bed hog so I might have to move her later to her bed once she falls good and asleep. (SHHHHH don't tell her) so tired I'm not even going to do a spell check tonight please excuse the mess.
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