Friday, July 28, 2006


Thanks to my CUZ Renita for the sponsor!!!!!! Love you girl

Ok everyone we are getting down to the wire. We are very close to our $2000.00 mark for the Blogathon. As you all know all the money we earn is going towards a great cause. The Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund. Quote from the foundation

"Although sufficient funding has been received for the construction
costs, the Fund is accepting donations to provide additional services to
the patients who will be treated in the Center and their families.
These services may include facilities for patients' children, additional
medical equipment and supplies, medical research to improve the care of patients, or other areas relating to the Center's activities including the patients and their families.
One hundred percent of the contributions will continue to go to these services, with nothing taken out for the Fund's administrative costs.
We thank you for continuing to support our efforts."

Not only does this provide for our soldiers in a time of need but also their families. Meaning you! We all pray everyday to keep our loved ones safe however we all are in the same boat. One day you, a friend or family member may have to call upon the services of this wonderful foundation. Please visit to sponsor us. Even if it's only a dollar it will be a dollar well spent. We can make a difference in some soldiers and their families lives. Get out there a make a difference.

Ok I'm stepping down now.


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