Thursday, July 14, 2005

Missing our husbands

Ok I've noticed, on a few blogs I've that we all are missing out husbands today, me included. Why today? I miss my honey I miss him a lot. I went into V. Secret today and I think that made me miss him even more. They have such cute stuff in there, and why buy anything if it's just going to hang in your closet for the next however long. Well I did buy a few things just so my kids would shut up about how they wanted the little pink and white stuffed dogs. If you buy anything from their pink line you get this cute little pink and white poka dotted dog. Oh by the way my fav color is PINK. I use to have pink in the bottom layer of my hair and I think I own everything from VS's pink line. I swear they must have been thinking about me when the came out with that line. Anyway I'm getting off track (sorry)!

I was just saying earlier today, that I feel like I don't even have a husband anymore until the paycheck hits and I realize how much more difficult it would be if I had to work. I thank my husband for everything he does to let me be able to stay at home with the kids. I miss him and love him for without him I would be no one. I look forward to the day you return. I can't wait to be with you once again, I miss our time together good or bad. Hurry home we all miss you and love you.

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