Thursday, April 13, 2006


Ok my fellow bloggers, I've yet again have become sick!!!!!! This time I actually have an illness other than the good ol' virus lecture. It's Strep,(*stands up* Hi my name is April and I have Strep throat. I just woke up one morning feeling like crap and at that moment in my life that's when I knew something was wrong.) LOL My husband is picking up my meds today, because you know they have to wait for the test to come back to give anything, and seeing how we live 60 miles from the military clinic I was not traveling out there yesterday seeing how hubby had to go to work today. BTW I'm allergic to penicillin the number one drug of choice for strep so I'm getting something that take a little longer to work. YAYYY I promise I will be up and running soon. Our house is ready to be bought, I've started a new website called OPERATION SALE APRIL"S HOUSE
Go check it out and tell all your friends, let's work together and get this house sold. Hubby leaves Monday for ANCOC he won't be back unitl June, so it's just little ol me trying to sale and buy a house. Thank God he'll be back before we have to move. Well I better go. The kids are way to quiet. Sorry for not lurking around the blogs lately. I will get back to it.



Courtney said...

This whole house has been sick this week with "the virus". My oldest daughter is also allergic to penicillin. Pain in the butt huh?!?!

island jen said...

ewww...sorry to hear about the strep!! apparently it's making it's rounds!!

good luck with the house!