Wednesday, August 03, 2005

What makes me happy Aug 3rd.

Ok kiddos, today is a tough one because I finally have a date and time that my husband will be here for his 2 weeks R@R. Yeah!!!!!!!!! He will be here on the 13th in the afternoon time frame. So for today I'm happy that I get to see my husband really soon hopefully the next week will go by fast or slow depending on how much house work I still have to get done. Then plan (if I find a babysitter) is to pick him up from the airport, ride out and pick up Angie go get something to eat, then go and see Motley Crew. Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!! I want to surprise the kids so I'm not going to tell them I picking daddy up. I'm just going to tell them I'm going out, and I will be back after they're asleep. The next day the 14th I'm having a small get together for him. Well I better get going I have some last minute planning I need to start.


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