Tuesday, October 11, 2005


Your Hair Should Be Orange

Expressive, deep, and one of a kind.
You pull off "weird" well - hardly anyone notices.

Ok I've been MIA when it comes to blogging and by using the test to fill in the blank days. Speaking of hair color, I have pink hair now does this new test mean I have to change it to orange? Honestly I'm about to go blond with the hubby coming home soon, He really likes me as a blond and I haven't had straight blond hair in a long time. So I figured it would be nice surprise for him when he gets back. Ok now for the weather Rain, Rain and more Rain. It has been raining since Friday night. The good news we are the proud owners of Lake Front property. It's a private lake right in MY VERY FRONT YARD Umm now to come with a name. So the kids and dogs have been going crazy because they have been in the house this whole time. BTW my dogs hate the rain their LABS go figure. So they don't finish all there business when it's raining instead they chose to hold it as long as possible and use my floor. The good thing we have Pergo on the lower level of the house which makes for easy clean up (I always try to look at the positive side of things.) Now on to my cats, we are missing one she has been gone for awhile I assume the worse. I've been to the humane society twice and have called numerous times. The good news, some kids in the neighborhood found a cat and brought it here to ask if it was mine (it looked nothing like my smokey) I told them I would take her for the night and take her to the humane society the next day due to that I was going up there anyway to see if my smokey was there. So I put the cat in my bathroom away from the other cats. I set food and cat litter in there for her. I start to look her over, very sweet cat, very loving and clean for a stray, so I'm thinking she belongs to someone, which is more of a reason to take to the humane society. As I'm petting her I notice she is on the thin side, but her belly is pretty round at first I was thinking poor thing has worms, so I continue to check her over and then I realize nope not worms kittens, she was prego. Ok, so now I'm feeling bad about taking a prego cat in. I called my husband and asked if would could just foster her through the humane society until she had the kittens. Thinking by the time she had them he would be home and fall in love with her and want to keep her. (I'm a sucker for animals)His response "Honey you know I love animals and would do anything for them however what if something where to happen and I wasn't there and you were all alone with the kids and no way to rush her to the vet." Ok he's got a point but cats have kitten everyday and everything ends up great umm there are a lot of cats in this world. So I had to take her in. Poor thing I felt so bad. On to other news I broke down and bought the Desperate Housewives first season on DVD. A must have for any DHWS fan. Full of great extras, plus it helps one to catch up. There was a lot of stuff when I was watching the DVD'S (there are six of them)I was "that's right I forgot about that" or "Why didn't I see that part must have been messing around with the kids." So my question for the day.

Who is the father and who do you want to be the father of Gabby's baby? Her current husband who is sitting in jail getting beat up or the lawn boy who is getting him a little somethin somethin from a 41 year old women.

My spin: I want the father to be Carlos, and for awhile I thought they would make the baby Carlos's however now that Gabby has come to her senses and sincerely apologized to Carlos I think they are going to make John the father. Oh how I do wish Carlos is the father.

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