Tuesday, February 07, 2006


Ok here we go,

About a week or so ago we got a letter from the school stating that there was lice found in Alex's classroom. Great so I wash all of Alex's hats and coats that she wears to school. Then Alex was sick last week with a nasty stomach virus going around she missed 3 days a school because of that, which in turn spread to the rest of the family. I've been checking her head for lice everyday when she comes home from school, because I'm a paranoid person like that, knowing that lice really is harmless, but still it's a pain in the ass to deal with. So last night Alex is digging away at her head saying it itches really bad. So I'm like oh you just have dry scalp you couldn't have lice I've been checking you and you missed just about all of school last week, so I go check her again, I low and behold she had lice, not the eggs but the bugs, so she had to have gotten yesterday while at school. So it's 8 at night and I'm off to Walmart to buy the stuff you have to use, I get home Alex had feel asleep on the couch so we wake her up put the stuff on her head let it sit for 10 mins and run up stairs change her bedding, grab her coat and hats again throw them in the wash, run back down stairs rinse her head and commence to combing through her hair with the smallest come know to man. My husband is such a great man he stayed there and combed through that childs hair for about 45 mins getting everything out. Thank god I just had her hair cut short before all this happened because I can't imagine combing through the long hair she uses to have.


Courtney said...

You poor thing. I always dealt with that I used to work at a daycare & was paranoid about it. But it happens to every kid!

island jen said...