Friday, February 24, 2006


Ok quick update, painting, cleaning, decluttering, traveling, sleeping. Not much going on here we just got everything finished with the house and now we are on the market. So if you guys know anyone moving to N. VA and they need a house send them my way (JK. I can't do to much typing I nearly broke my right hand on Weds. And I'm still in pain, but the Dr. gave me good meds,(excuse my broken english) however I can only take them when the kids are asleep because I fear I won't be able to take care of them. (it's really good stuff) Hubby will be back Sat. He went to school for a week. Brother moved back down to FL, long story. Took a trip up to Ohio (we'll never live that far north too cold for me). Taylor turned 2. And happy Birthday to all you Feb babies out there, Oh BTW we didn't win the mega millions yet but we plan on it. LOL

Later days


Courtney said...

Hope your hand gets feeling better!Oh we are planning those same millions!! LOL:o)

island jen said...

girl! you still haven't moved!!!??