Monday, March 13, 2006


Nothing new here. Right now I'm wanting to update my Blog with a new skin something cool, and since I'm not very good at the whole thing I'm stuck with what Blogger offers. I'm also looking into paying for a new skin. Just don't know what I want yet. We are still getting the house ready to sell even though I think it's good to go but, people are getting nervous and want it perfect you could say before making it available. It's crazy the market around here is so touchy feely. I have faith that everything will fall into place. However other people don't like to rely on it. Oh well we'll keep on moving forward. Last Monday I woke and felt like I was dying I didn't even have the strength to get out of bed. I got up and got Alex ready for school went down stairs to get her snack ready and make sure her book bag was ready and then asked my husband to make sure she got on the bus for me. As he came up stairs to finish getting ready to work I told him there was no way I was going to be able to take care of the other two kids that day. Thank God he nothing pressing @ work he was able to call in and tell them what was going on. I literally laid in bed all day I would wake up for about 10 mins at a time and then go back to sleep finally my husband came in a said I really needed to eat something and dinner was made. So I made my way down stairs I hadn't even seen the kids all day. Ate dinner and went right back up to bed. I felt a little better the next day, however Alex didn't so she stayed home Tues and Weds. She went to school thurs woke up with a fever fri. So she stayed home. Sat evening she had a fever and felt a little better Sunday so went to school today I just hope she'll make it through the day. The school is getting a little mad because she has missed so many days. It's kindergarten for crying out load. She has been getting sick because she picks it up at school what do they want me to do. Oh well they'll get over it. Well that all I have for today. Time to getting something done around here. We slacked off this weekend because of the nice weather. We had the first official BBQ of the season Friday night, and then carried it on into the weekend. Today is another nice day so hopefully I'll b e able to get this yard looking nice again.

Later days



Courtney said...

Glad your feeling better! I have been thinking of changing my blog also but blogger doesn't offer much huh?

Karyzma said...

I'm glad that you and your kids feel better. It's awful how often kids pick up stuff at school. You'd think that the schools would find a way to install the air purifiers to get rid of all the germs and viruses! I'm a first time visitor to your blog, and I'll be sure to add you to mine and visit often. My husband is stationed in Norfolk, VA at the moment until May when he moves to Japan for 3 years. We thought at first that we'd end up buying a house in Norfolk if he had to stay there, but thank goodness we're not. The market is terrible up there. Everything is ridiculously overpriced. We've started thinking though that it would still be good if we did go a head and buy a house to lease to people while we're in Japan, but it started to seem more complicated than it was worth. Sorry bout the rambling. lol. I get stuck in one of those spells every now and then. I hope you're having a good week. Enjoy the beautiful weather before the rain brings in the cold front. :o)