Sunday, June 05, 2005

I'm soooooooooo tired

Hello all,I've posted some new pics down below,

We've been so busy with school coming to an end. My oldest daughter will be graduating Pre school and be in kindergarten next year. My sister came and visited for a week, she was a big help. My husband is doing good. He has been traveling a lot. The one thing I really hate about him being deployed is not being able to get a hold of him if I have a emergency I feel so helpless in that aspect. I also hate mowing the lawn. I don't mind doing the work it is good exercise however finding the time to do it is hard with three kids I normally have to do it when they're sleeping however it is so hot @ 2 or 3 o'clock. I thought about getting up early and doing it but then the grass is still wet. Oh well It got it done yesterday I was lucky the clouds came rolling in and it started to rain a little. I however didn't have enough time to weed eat I hate doing that I can never do it right(you think with 4 years of active duty Army under my belt I would be an expert) I either get to close or not close enough. My poor vehicles have not had a wash (except for the rain) since my husband has left (God don't tell him that) I figure one day I'll take it to the drive in car wash and get it done. I feel like everything is falling apart with my house there are a few odds and ends that need to be done. Like the screen being replaced one of the rain spouts need to be replaced things like that. However I don't stress too much, as long as the bills are paid and the kids are happy and healthy and fed, I'm happy. I know there are a lot of people out there who if they saw my house right now would freak it's not dirty just messy toys everywhere things out of place the yard needs some work, at least I'm able to pay someone to come in every two weeks to clean the down stairs. Well I better stop my complaining for now. I a very fortunate person to have what we have. There are others who are less fortunate.Until next timeApril

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