Monday, April 04, 2005

Just another day

Well we heard from my husband yesterday. Everything seems to be going good. He's been very busy with training his troops. For OPSEC reasons I cannot say too much about what he does. I can say he is an E-7 in the US Army. He's been in for 13 years coming on 14 and just reenlisted for the long haul. His MOS is 31D CID Special Agent. Boy does he have some stories. Right now he does protection for upper leaders. So there for I will not be able to say where he is located or what he is doing. I really don't even know too much myself. Every now and then I see a glimse of him on the TV. We met in Korea, we were both stationed there. I was a medic for a Combat engineer unit, he was an MP. We then met up again in El Paso TX. Where I was medic for a Air Defense Unit who was working with the THADD system which never really took off. We got married in El Paso. I got out and moved to Germany with him. That's where he switch over to CID. We now live in Northern VA we bought our first house here. I didn't think being a military wife would be that much different than being in the military. Well I was wrong. I'm a stay at home mom right now taking college courses online to hopefully one day get back in the working field. I pretty much run the household I make sure all the bills are paid. I divey out the money. Sometimes I feel like my husbands' personnel secretary. Making sure he is getting paid right and that his travel vouchers have been paid. Then I shoot all the info to him and hope he can find time to get it fixed. I tell him when it's the best time to take leave and give him the dates to put in for. I know he can do all of these things for himself, I just feel that it's one less thing for him to worry about why he is gone. I try and stay in good spirits when he calls. He'll tell ya I like to complain alot about some of the things he has to do while in the military. The military is changing from the way it use to be some good some bad. I have my dislikes about the military ways. I'm all for enlisted soliders and their way of life. I believe that they are the backbone of the Army. Without them it would be nothing. From E-1 to E-8 Regular,National Guard or Reseves the Soilders and families give up alot. Well I will end my post for today. As you can see it's a good day today, just another day today. I can only wait and see what tomorrow brings.

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